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Service Above Self

We understand the unique challenges facing the military and veteran community we serve, like trying to build connections as a young military family, researching medical advancements that can improve troop readiness, or dealing with the loss of a loved one. This is why we support organizations that make a difference for those who serve.

HNFS and Centene provided multi-year financial support for the research, development, and distribution of TAPS’ suicide post-vention manual titled From Grief to Growth: Healing After a Suicide Loss, available to members of the military and their families. Our service also extends beyond just financial support. In early 2023, our employees assembled and stamped more than 15,000 envelopes with memorial messages that TAPS will send on the anniversary of the passing of a military loved one.

Service Above Self Philanthropy Partners

Last year our employee volunteers assembled more than 6,000 pounds of supplies we purchased into more than 1,000 Pantry Restock Welcome Kits for Blue Star Families. We then shipped the kits to locations in San Diego, Utah, Missouri, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, New York, and Chicago, where Blue Star Families delivered them to young military families transferred into those areas because of a Permanent Change of Station. This year, to support Blue Star Families’ Operation Purple camps for military kids, we filled more than 1,100 backpacks with items such as sunglasses, hats, journals, and toys, along with a letter of thanks handwritten for each kid by one of our employees.

Our continued sponsorship of 13 children’s waiting rooms through the Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) positively impacted “no-show rates,” with some locations reporting up to a 30% decline in missed appointments, and others experiencing a cost savings of up to $500,000. 

We are proud to help improve the lives of those in military, veteran, and local communities.

Image of two volunteers building a home.